Some of the latest images that were taken from mars prove that there is a possibility for life on mars. There are two main progress that made NASA and astronomers believe that there is life on mars. The first one is the photograph which clearly states that there is Bigfoot creature depicted in it.
The photograph had been taken in the year 2012, which was inspected in the last two years by top officials and astronomers. Finally they reported that they are convinced about the photograph. They said that it is surely some sort of being. "We have examined multiple pictures from multiple angles and put it all through the Xicon Formula. The being is alive and moving", they said.
The second progress was deciphered recently, when NASA found clouds on moon. This observation stated that there is every possibility of having life on mars. The clouds are about 150 miles away from the surface of mars. Some of them suggest that those are not clouds, but it may be debris disturbed by mars.
NASA, in the other hand, confirms that they are rain producing clouds showing the presence of life on mars. ‘It’s not completely unexpected. But they are bigger than expected,” said Thomas Hillstrom, a member of the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University, to Cosmic Log. The clouds were observed by the thermal emission imaging system of NASA's mars odyssey orbiter.