The film is motivated by 2004 British ambiance film The Laptop computer.The fim begins with an old man, known as Mr. Singh (Mithun Chakraborty) narrating a tale to an old lady as her storage is falling day by day. Mr. Singh's tale is about a youthful fans Siddharth and Anjali performed by (Aseem Ali Khan) and (Priyanka Mehta) respectively.
Anjali is a wealthy lady, but Siddharth is a bad person's son. Anjali's dad (Dalip Tahil) as regular disapproves this matter and requires the lady away. Dejected Siddharth has no other choice , but he begins composing characters to her. He creates 365 characters in that whole year, but surprisinlgy Anjali never gets any of those 365 characters.
Years complete and Anjali could not find Siddharth, so she gradually programs to negotiate down with another man. But success had other thoughts and the two fans fulfill again.
As the display again stops and the film goes again to the older couple, the old lady understands that, Mr. Singh was informing the tale about their own really like tale and her reminiscences of the last come hurrying again making Mr. Singh a satisfied man, but surprisingly her storage continues to be only for a brief time and she does not remember him all over again like the life of an Alzheimer's sufferer.