On December 13,
Hollywood director David Lynch will be joined by Clint Eastwood, Martin
Scorsese, George Lucas and Dr. Mehmet Oz to launch the David Lynch Foundation’s
Operation Warrior Wellness, a national initiative to help 10,000 veterans
overcome post-traumatic stress disorder through Transcendental
Suicide, divorce, domestic violence, crime and substance abuse rates
among veterans at home are skyrocketing. With the support of Dr. Oz and
Eastwood both avid meditators along with
veterans from World War II, the Vietnam war, and the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, the objective of Operation Warrior Wellness is to help soldiers
use Transcendental Meditation to cope with PTSD and other effects of combat.
David Lynch Foundation has been providing scholarships since 2005 for over
150,000 inner-city students, veterans, homeless adults and kids, American
Indians, and inmates and guards in maximum-security penitentiaries to learn TM
over the past years. Lynch himself has been meditating for over decades. They
took some time with him last week to chat about how TM has changed his life and
how he believes it can change everybody else’s.